Conejo Canyons Moderate Hike – Hill Canyon to Elliott Mountain

Conejo Canyons Moderate Hike – Hill Canyon to Elliott Mountain
This is a moderate hike of 5.4 miles with 800′ of climbing. It starts with an easy stroll along the Hill Canyon Trail, climbs up the Western Plateau Edison Road, then turns onto a trail that winds its way up to Elliott Mountain, which has tremendous views of the Western Plateau, Hill Canyon, Lizard Rock and Mt Clef Butte.
Start at the parking area on Hill Canyon road, cross the bridge and hike south on Hill Canyon Trail for a mile before turning right and up the Western Plateau Edison Rd. After 0.6 miles, turn right again and follow the unnamed trail (known locally as the “Outlaw Trail”) around to the right (southeast), soon bending north. After a mile, the route turns right onto the Elliott Mountain trail, but about a third of the way up you may want to take the short trail to an overlook of Hill Canyon for a break. The Elliott Mountain Trail continues the final 0.2 miles to the top. Return by retracing your steps. On the way back, the trail on the south side of the Western Plateau Edison Rd from the bottom of the Outlaw Trail leads about a hundred yards to an overlook of Hawk Canyon (pink on the map).
From the 101 Freeway in Camarillo, take exit 52 onto Santa Rosa Road and drive northeast. After 5 miles, turn right onto Hill Canyon Rd. Continue to the parking on the left, 0.6 miles on.
Map of This Hike
Note: Elliott Mountain was previously known as Elliott Peak.