Trail Building and Restoration

The COSCA system includes more than 170 miles of trails, and we’re helping COSCA make that number larger every year! During the Fall and Spring Trail Work Days, volunteers come out to help build new trails for everyone to enjoy. Sometimes we instead repair trails that were damaged during severe winter weather. Local trail organizations the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council (SMMTC) and the Concerned Off Road Mountain Bicyclists (CORBA) help COSCA Rangers plan the work and oversee the other volunteers. Groups including local businesses have their own volunteer work days as a way to give back to the community.
Starting in the second half of 2023, the COSCA rangers organize monthly trail work days. These are smaller events, but important to help keep up with trail construction and repair. Registration for these smaller monthly events is through COSCA’s registration system.
To be notified of upcoming trail work events, please fill out this form. And if you participate in just three work days, we’ll give you a TeamConejo Volunteer T-shirt to show our appreciation, as shown in the photos above! You can learn more about this program.
Our trail building and restoration activities rely on volunteers to help out! If you would like to see more and better trails, we hope you’ll want to pitch in! Sign up for notifications!
Trail Work Coordinator: John Kross ( )
News about trail work events, future and past