Get COSF news on your mobile device!

We post the most significant recent news to our home page, but it’s even easier to keep up with all COSF news without having to visit our website. Using an app on your phone or tablet, our news will be delivered to you on your own terms!
Using the web technology called “RSS” (Really Simple Syndication) and an ‘RSS reader’ app on your device, our news posts are pushed to you as we post them, using our ‘RSS feed’. You can choose how often the app looks for news and whether or not you get notified of new post.
RSS readers are also called ‘News Aggregators’, ‘News Readers’ or simply ‘Readers’.
There are lots of RSS reader apps available for both Android and iOS devices. For Android, I’ve had good luck with “RSS Savvy” by Andy Cundill. It’s easy to use, doesn’t require you to log into any accounts, has no ads and comes pre-configured with world news, sports, technology, entertainment and business feeds.
To read our RSS feed, you will need to add our web address. What to specify will depend on the sophistication of your RSS reader. Try these URLs in order until your app indicates success:
Once installed and linked to our feed, you may want to change the options on your app to indicate how often your reader looks for new items and if you get notified of them. You may also want to remove some pre-installed feeds so you don’t get inundated with notifications! (‘RSS Savvy’ allows you to set notifications for a subset of feeds so you are only alerted to news that is most important to you; many other apps will also do this.)
With your new setup, you’ll learn about open space news, Speaker Series announcements, postings of photo galleries, volunteer opportunities and more as soon as we announce them on our website!