Conejo Fall Trail Work Day will be Saturday October 15

Please join us to help fix up the Wishbone Trail on Saturday, October 15 for the Conejo Fall Trail Work Day. You will be amazed at how much can be accomplished in a few hours by volunteers! No experience is needed; COSCA Rangers and other experienced crew leaders will provide hand tools and instructions on how to use them safely and effectively. At noon, volunteers will be treated to a thank-you lunch and prize drawings!
Register in advance to save time at the event and to receive a helpful email reminder a few days beforehand.
7:30 am: Meet at the Westlake Village Community Park, 31107 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
- Check in at registration table
- Complete and sign release form, or download the form, print, sign and bring it with you to save time
8:00 am: Trail Work
- Orientation and safety instruction
- Crew leaders direct teams to work sites
Noon: Thank-you Lunch and prize drawings.