Conejo Spring Trail Work Day – What a Success!

On Saturday March 19 about 130 volunteers came to help restore the Santa Rosa Trail above Wildwood Mesa to like-new condition! There were enough volunteers that crews also worked on the Teepee, Moonridge and Stagecoach Bluff Trails. The photos in the gallery below are from workers on the Santa Rosa Trail switchbacks, and of noontime lunch at the staging area. On the switchbacks, volunteers filled in ruts, cleared old drains and dug new ones, and cut back overgrowing bushes. Some strong volunteers maneuvered wheelbarrows of dirt half-way down to fill in the worst ruts. The ruts and the rocks in the trail made that a difficult task, but as the morning wore on, it became easier and easier as more of the trail along the wheelbarrow route was restored. As well, rangers carried special packs containing several gallons of water on their backs and sprayed it on the loose dirt to help pack it down. Overall, about a mile of the trail was renewed.
The lunch, provided by COSF and COSCA, was delicious as usual. A raffle held after lunch dispersed gift certificates to a few lucky volunteers. (COSF provided $2500 for lunch and breakfast snacks.)
We would like to thank all the volunteers for their enthusiasm at restoring these trails! As well as the COSCA rangers, work was taken on by volunteers from the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council, the Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association, the Sierra Club, geocachers and many other members of the community.