COSCA Fall Trail Work Day 2022 Fixes Up the Wishbone Trail

Published by Anne Russell on

COSCA Fall Trailwork Day 2022 John Kross Wishbone Trail

Volunteer coordinator John Kross with student volunteers from the Cal State University Channel Islands' Trail Corps ready to work on the Wishbone Trail.

An enthusiastic crowd of 55 volunteers turned out early on a cool, overcast morning to work on the Wishbone Trail behind the Westlake Village Community Park on October 15. The trail, which was completed a mere three years ago and is the newest in the Conejo Open Space system, needed clean-up due to hillside sloughing, as well as reshaping in some sections. There was also some overgrown brush that needed cutting back.

The multiple teams of volunteers, overseen by 12 crew leaders from the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council and volunteer liaison John Kross, spread out across the wishbone-shaped trail, completing .7 miles in 4 hours. COSCA rangers participated as well, with 7 rangers in attendance. 

At noon, everyone was treated to a delicious lunch from Taqueria El Tapatio, courtesy of COSF,  as well as a free raffle for gift cards.

The next COSCA Trail Work Day will be held in March 2023. Please watch the COSF Newsletter for details.


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