COSCA Trails now open every day!

As of Saturday May 9, trails in the Conejo Valley managed by the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA) will be open on weekends again. However, restrictions are still in place to help avoid transmission of the COVID-19 virus and keep trail users safe. Social distancing is expect and most trailhead parking lots are still closed.
See the full story and important guidelines at:
The opening of local trails has been coordinated with the reopening of numerous trails in Los Angeles County by other regional open space agencies in order to distribute trail use throughout the region. We recommend people check trails status for LA County trails before going since some are still closed.
While trails will be open, COSCA reminds visitors that the coronavirus will remain in our community for an extended time, and this is not the end of social distancing and county health orders. Visitors must take responsibility for their personal and community safety when out in public and follow posted requirements. Visitors are still asked to walk to neighborhood trails and avoid driving if possible, and to always practice social distancing. Group uses are still prohibited by the Ventura County Stay at Home Order.
Please be patient with each other and make everyone’s outdoor experience a special one!