COSF Supports COSCA’s Arroyo Conejo Cleanup Pilot Project

COSF contributed $10,000 toward the Arroyo Conejo Trash Removal Project, which was completed in August. The final stats on the volume of trash collected are impressive—a whopping 13.4 tons (i.e., 26,800 pounds) of waste was removed by a specialty contractor.
COSCA conducted the work as a pilot project and focused efforts on a limited section of the channel beginning at Hillcrest Dr. and continuing downstream for 2,000 linear feet. Besides the channel itself, the work zones extended about 40 feet up each stream bank. With baseline cost data collected from the pilot effort, COSCA will begin budgeting for additional work on other sections of the Arroyo.
To keep the Arroyo Conejo clean, COSCA rangers will hold volunteer workdays on an occasional basis (see volunteer opportunity story above) and will continue to discourage illegal encampments that have contributed to the problem.
COSCA Administrator Brian Stark comments, “We are grateful for the support COSF provided for the project; it made an immediate impact on environmental quality.
"Seeing the creek clean and nature thriving is inspiring and I’m excited by what I think we can do along other sections.”