New Conejo Canyons Vehicle Bridge to Open Soon: Videos of the Construction

Years in the planning, the new bridge in Hill Canyon is taking just a few months to construct and will be available for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians to use as well as official vehicles. With the Hill Canyon Pedestrian Bridge at the north entrance to Hill Canyon, completed in February 2012, some interesting new routes will be possible for trail users because the vehicle bridge links Conejo Canyons trails to those of Wildwood Park.
Participants in the 2024 Conejo Open Space Challenge could be among the first to cross the new bridge.
Construction of the vehicle bridge started at the end of September 2023 and was expected to be completed in January 2024, but has been delayed to sometime in the late winter 2024 because of all the rain in January and February.
The new bridge is officially known as the Conejo Canyons Bridge at Hill Canyon Treatment Plant.
The bridge is being installed to give easier access to city and COSCA vehicles and enhance the safety of the workers at the Hill Canyon water treatment plant. During the Hill Fire in November 2018, the workers were not able to get out of the canyon because their route along Hill Canyon Road, the only way in and out of the canyon by vehicle, was blocked by the fire. After the bridge is complete, workers will be able to cross the Arroyo Conejo on the vehicle bridge and exit to the south in Newbury Park by driving up the Hill Canyon Fire Road, formerly known as the 'Baxter' Fire Road.
The city of Thousand Oaks has produced two videos that detail bridge construction.