Randy Wagner is Our June ‘You in the Conejo’ Winner!

Published by Anne Russell on

Bigfoot footprint Lang Ranch Open Space

Randy Wagner claims he found evidence of Bigfoot in the Conejo.

June's “You in the Conejo” winner is Randy Wagner, whose selfie featured the challenge subject for June—a footprint or track—although we're a little suspicious about its authenticity. Randy claims he found his Bigfoot print on the trails of the Lang Ranch Open Space.

Other entrants found dog and human prints and bike tracks, but no one else spotted any evidence of Bigfoot.

And if you’re new to this, here’s a recap of the “You in the Conejo” rules:

  • Each month in 2023, we’ll post the name of something that you can find in the open space. Then we want to see you post a selfie of you with it—for the month of July, it’s A CACTUS! The Conejo Open Spaces have several types of native cactus along the trails. It's going to be hot this month, so we picked a challenge subject that flourishes in the heat. Just don't get too close when you take your selfie.
  • The challenge is in effect the entire month to give you time to complete it. (And if you’re not sure about Open Space boundaries, please see our new trail guides on this single web page.)
  • After you’ve located something that matches the challenge description, take a selfie with the object. It’s okay to include other people or pets in the photo as long as we can see that you found the challenge subject. (For the camera shy, it’s all right to photograph just your hand or foot with the subject. And if your photo includes identifiable minors, please be the legal guardian.) Then post the photo of yourself to your Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #youintheconejo and tag COSF (@ConejoOpenSpaceFoundation). Identify where in the Conejo Open Space you took it. Make sure your privacy setting on the photo will allow us to view it. If all of that social-media effort sounds overwhelming, just email us your entry with the location info. (That’s news@cosf.org.)
  • The contest is open to anyone 18 years of age or older.
  • Only one entry will be counted per person per monthly contest.
  • Of the people who successfully complete the month’s challenge, a winner will be drawn at random at the end of that contest, just as in the past. We’re also offering a new prize: An earth-friendly COSF t-shirt! And this year, you can win multiple times.

      To be notified by email of each month’s new challenge, please sign up here.

      Happy trails—and selfies—to you. We look forward to seeing what you find.


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