The Conejo Open Space Challenge is back!

Published by Steve Clark on

As of Friday May 15, the Conejo OS Challenge has resumed, to be concluded on July 31st. Proper social distancing is absolutely required, as is other behavior needed to protect yourself and others during the COVID-19 pandemic. To avoid catching or passing the virus, do not congregate at trailheads or anywhere else. Avoid congested areas where physical distancing can't be maintained. Group hikes are still not allowed.

To see the full explanation of expectations while visiting our open spaces during this difficult time, visit .

Learn more by visiting the Conejo Open Space Challenge web page.

Using common sense to avoid spreading the virus, open space enthusiasts can have a wonderful experience on the trails. Many areas now have a tremendous display of spring wildflowers. Get out to see them, and stay safe!

Categories: Conejo OS Challenge


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