View Dr. Sean Anderson’s talk about the impact of ‘global weirding’ in the Conejo Valley and what you can do to slow it

Published by Anne Russell on

Dr. Anderson advises us to get ahead of climate change.

For COSF’s first 2022 Speaker Series virtual presentation on March 2, conservation ecologist Dr. Sean Anderson examined the multiple threats posed to the Conejo Valley by global warming—or “global weirding,” as he calls it because of the bizarre weather events it causes. Dr. Anderson, who chairs the Environmental Science and Resource Management Program at California State University Channel Islands, observes, “We are in a new world now. We are in new territory here: It is unprecedented for us as humans.”

Even as far along as our hotter, drier, more fire-prone new world is, Dr. Anderson says, “We can absolutely still have huge effects on the outcome.” Among his suggestions:

  • Work to make cities and neighborhoods more resilient by hardening against wildfire, using more clean and renewable energy, reducing water consumption, and reducing plastic waste.
  • Help natural systems such as open space be more resilient by restoring native plants, and fostering wildlife distribution by preserving wildlife corridors.
  • Decarbonize energy systems, that is, stop burning fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal that increase atmospheric carbon dioxide - the cause of global warming - which is at an all-time high in human history.

You can view the recording of Dr. Anderson's presentation “Conejo Valley’s Changing Climate: Current Threats & Paths Forward” here:

Below is a list of resources and background information viewers may find helpful to build on the information and advice Dr. Anderson shared in his talk.

1 Comment

Monarch butterflies now listed as endangered: What we can all do to help them – Conejo Open Space Foundation · 08/14/2022 at 11:29 am

[…] View Dr. Sean Anderson’s talk about the impact of ‘global weirding’ in the Conejo Valley and w… […]

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