Why mountain lions should be protected under the California Endangered Species Act – a video

Conservationists have been working to list Southern California and Central Coast mountain lion populations as “threatened” under the California Endangered Species Act, also known as CESA. This video explains why mountain lions should be protected.
Protect Mountain Lions under the CA Endangered Species Act from Korinna Domingo on Vimeo.
In response to a the petition described in the video from the Center for Biological Diversity and the Mountain Lion Foundation, the California Fish and Game Commission voted 5-0 in April 2020 to advance Southern California and Central Coast mountain lions to candidacy under the state’s Endangered Species Act. The vote follows a February 2020 finding by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife that increased protections may be warranted.
The unanimous vote triggers a year-long review by the department to determine if these populations should be formally protected under the Act. The Act’s protections apply during the candidacy period. Read more...
The 101 Freeway Wildlife Crossing Bridge in Agoura Hills
A bridge is to be built in Agoura Hills that will enable wildlife to cross the 101 Freeway without danger of being run over and killed. This will directly save the lives of susceptible lions and lead to more robust animals through genetic mixing of populations in the Santa Monica Mountains and those north of the freeway.
The Conejo Open Space Foundation is supporting this project through our Julia Osborn Gourley Memorial Campaign. Julia was an early Director of COSF and President for 10 years. She passed away this past January. As a strong advocate for the wildlife crossing, her family has requested that donations given in her name be directed to the new crossing, and we have set that up. If you would like to help, you can do so through our donations page. Thank-you for your support!