Jef Kurfess won $25 in the Where in the Conejo photo contest – Congratulations!

Published by Steve Clark on

Lindero Creek Trail

The November 1 Where in the Conejo Contest photo was of the Lindero Creek Trail. Of the correct entrants, Jef was selected at random as the winner of a $25 gift certificate. Congratulations Jef and thanks to all who entered the contest!

The Lindero Creek Trail is in the North Ranch Open Space, just southwest of the corner of Lindero Canyon Road and Kanan Road. There are two parts - a decomposed granite path around the North Ranch Playfield, then the trail shown in the photo that goes through a beautiful stand of oak trees, crossing the creek a few times.

This beautiful trail does not seem to be well known. Only 15% of this month's entrants were able to identify it. Most people thought it was Los Padres Trail, and there is a lot of  resemblance. If you enjoy yourself on the Los Padres Trail, we bet you'll love Lindero Creek Trail!

To help you find your way, we have a new 2-page PDF document that describes an easy route along the trail. This trail will be featured in the 2022 version of the Conejo Open Space Challenge, so it's a good time to get a preview!

All our new trail guides are collected on this single web page to make it easier to find new trails to explore at whatever level of difficulty you like.

Categories: Where in the Conejo

1 Comment

Randy Wagner wins 2021 ‘Where in the Conejo’ Contest Grand Prize! – Conejo Open Space Foundation · 12/27/2021 at 11:08 am

[…] biggest stumper question proved to be the Lindero Creek Trail, which only 15% of entrants identified correctly. The most popular question, in terms of the total […]

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