COSF Contributes $2500 to the wildlife crossing of the 101 Freeway at Liberty Canyon

The Conejo Open Space Foundation contributed $2500 this past June towards the building of the wildlife crossing bridge. Although the crossing will be outside the Conejo Valley, we believe that it is vitally important for our entire region as it will reconnect an ecosystem for all wildlife. The population of cougars in the Santa Monica Mountains has been strained for decades by development and diminishing open space, and many large cats have been killed as they attempted to cross the freeway in search of greater territory. The crossing will minimize those deaths and increase genetic diversity within the species, saving that group of cougars from certain extinction. For more details, visit
This is the second installment of $10,000 we have pledged over four years. COSF has made the 2020 donation in memory of Julia Osborn Gourley, our former president and life-long environmentalist. Julie was excited about this project and the benefits it will provide. To add your support, please go to, or mail a check to: COSF, P.O. Box 2113, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358.