COSF Contributes another $2500 to the wildlife crossing of the 101 Freeway at Liberty Canyon

Published by Steve Clark on

Most of us think of the wildlife crossing as only for the benefit of mountain lions, so that lions from different regions can mingle, reduce interbreeding and strengthen the gene pool of the population. In reality, the wildlife bridge will benefit many more species, including plants and birds!

COSF is proud to announce that we just sent a $2,500 donation to the National Wildlife Federation’s “SaveLACougars” campaign to support the construction of the wildlife corridor bridge over the 101 Freeway at Liberty Canyon. With donations to the Julia Osborn Gourley Campaign for the bridge and other funds, we strive to help protect the plants and animals in our open space. Connecting wildlife populations limited by the major freeway will have great value in preserving their vital role in our area's ecosystem.

You can learn more about how the wildlife bridge will benefit local wildlife by viewing a recording of the Zoom presentation about the  bridge given by Beth Pratt, Executive Director of the National Wildlife Federation for California. Her presentation was the first of our 2021 Speaker Series events.

This is the third installment of $10,000 we have pledged over four years. COSF has made the donation in memory of Julia Osborn Gourley, our former president and life-long environmentalist. Julie was excited about this project and the benefits it will provide. To add your support, please go to, or mail a check to:  COSF, P.O. Box 2113, Thousand Oaks, CA  91358.



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