COSF Speaker Sean Anderson to Tackle Threats from Climate Change on March 2

On March 2 at 7:00 p.m., conservation ecologist Dr. Sean Anderson will discuss the threats posed to the Conejo Valley by climate change, and how we can respond to them. His presentation kicks off the 2022 Conejo Open Space Foundation popular Speaker Series. Dr. Anderson, who chairs the Environmental Science and Resource Management Program at California State University Channel Islands, describes Ventura County as “the epicenter of climate-change impact in the lower 48 states.”
Still being held virtually via Zoom, the spring Speaker Series event, “Conejo Valley’s Changing Climate: Current Threats & Paths Forward,” will focus on our area’s unprecedented environmental changes, which include more frequent wildfires and extreme weather as well as native plant and animal extinctions. At the same time, Dr. Anderson notes we are also ground zero for a host of new solutions to building more sustainable and resilient communities.
Dr. Anderson works on a variety of coastal zone management issues across California, Louisiana, the South Pacific, and Middle East. He is a member of numerous state, federal, and international governmental and scientific advisory boards, including serving as director of the Ventura County Resource Conservation District. His energetic, innovative, and award-winning teaching and conservation efforts are often covered in popular media and spawned the eponymous “Sean Anderson” character played by Josh Hutcherson in Warner Brother’s Journey to the Center of the Earth franchise. Dr. Anderson received his bachelor’s degree from UCSB and his Ph.D. from UCLA.
Held quarterly since 2019, the COSF Speaker Series has included Hollywood historian Harry Medved and wildlife experts Dr. Dan Cooper, Dr. Seth Riley, Dr. Jessica Sanchez, and the National Wildlife Federation’s regional executive director Beth Pratt.
Attendees can register at COSF’s website: Although this is a free event, COSF encourages a $10 donation to support future Speaker Series presentations.