Repeat Winner: Randy Wagner Takes ‘Where in the Conejo’ Grand Prize Again!

Published by Anne Russell on

This year, COSF’s popular “Where in the Conejo” monthly contest featured 12 trails or trailside phenomena, challenging contestants to identify them correctly. The previous year, we created a Grand Prize for whoever got the most answers correct.

Randy Wagner of Thousand Oaks, who was last year's Grand Prize winner, answered 11 out of 12 “Where” questions correctly this year, besting all other participants again. He donated his $50 winnings back to COSF, although he did accept one of our newly minted t-shirts. (Which will be the prize offering in 2023.)

Randy and Cindy Wagner taking a selfie on the Powerline Trail.

As to how everyone else did, we had only one entrant who was on Randy's heels with 10 correct answers. The greatest number of contestants scored 2 right, not because they made a lot of mistakes, but because they didn't enter regularly.

The biggest stumper question proved to be the Santa Rosa Trail in Wildwood Regional Park, which only 50% of entrants identified correctly. The most popular question, in terms of the total number of entries, was May's ID of the amphitheater at Rancho Conejo, which drew 47 total entries, 81% of which offered correct answers. Congratulations to Randy and thank you to all who participated!

Please join us in 2023 for a new and different "You in the Conejo"! We will be sending you on a virtual scavenger hunt on open space trails to document yourself in a selfie with your find and post it to social media with where you found it. (Hint: First prompt will be "an oak tree," if you want a head start.)

Full details of the contest will be sent out the first week of January, when it begins. If you aren't already on the contest mailing list, please sign up!


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