Speaker event: “Water: Where it comes from, where it goes—and why it matters” on June 28

Our June Speaker Series event to examine the sustainability of water resources in the Conejo Valley will be given by Jennifer Lancaster, principal resource specialist at the Calleguas Municipal Water District. She will cover the origins of our water, how it’s used, where it winds up, and whether those practices are sustainable at their current levels.
Although the Conejo Valley received unusually abundant rain this year, water will continue to be of critical concern for Ventura County residents and our county’s primary industry, agriculture. Jennifer will also go over new challenges that water managers face from the state’s changing hydrology, and how we can better use the water we get through conservation and planning.
The presentation will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday June 28 at 7:00 pm. A question-and-answer period for attendees will follow.
Ms. Lancaster received her Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of California, Riverside and her Master of Science in biology from California State University, Northridge. She began her career as a biological science technician for the National Park Service and has also taught at Moorpark and Pierce Colleges.
Held quarterly since 2019, the COSF Speaker Series has included climate authority Dr. Sean Anderson as well as wildlife experts Dr. Dan Cooper, Dr. Seth Riley, Dr. Jessica Sanchez, and the National Wildlife Federation’s regional executive director Beth Pratt.
You can register to view this event at our registration page and you will receive instructions by email the day before on how to join the presentation. Although this is a free event, COSF encourages a $10 donation to support future Speaker Series presentations.