The July 17th Where in the Conejo Contest photo was of the Autumn Ridge and Sunrise Trails

Congratulations to Tamara Napier of Newbury Park who provided the correct answers and was selected as the winner. Thanks to all who responded!
We had roughly double the number of entries in this week’s contest compared to the three that preceded it, and almost all of the answers were correct. It seems that the new multiple choice format is popular!
The Autumn Ridge and Sunrise Trails are in the Lang Ranch and Woodbridge Open Space areas in the north-east corner of Thousand Oaks, adjacent to Simi Valley and the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District open space area to the north. There are a number of interconnecting trails in Lang Ranch that can make a number of loop hikes. This area gets very hot in the summertime and there is very little shade. The best time to visit is when the weather is cool and dry.
There are fossil rocks near the Autumn Ridge Trail. They are about a mile from the trailhead at the north end of Westlake Blvd. Go up the trail to the big hill with the prominent tree on the right side near the top. At the top of that hill, there’s a side trail that takes you to a mound of rocks where the fossils can be found.