The latest winner for the ‘Where in the Conejo’ photo contest is Edward Haverly!

The May 1 Where in the Conejo Contest photo was of the recently built amphitheater in the Rancho Conejo Open Space. Of the correct entrants, Edward was selected at random as the winner of a $25 gift certificate. Congratulations Edward and thanks to all who entered the contest!
The new amphitheater is at the site of the old Olympia Farms. When the property was purchased in 1993, the farms had an old collapsed barn sitting on a concrete pad. Now the wood is gone, replaced with a number of picnic tables with small oak trees that, one day, will provide lots of shade and refuge for birds and other native life.
The trails of Rancho Potrero connect to miles and miles of trails in Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa and Point Mugu State Park to the east and Dos Vientos to the north. You can find them all on this website.
The Olympia Farms Trail to this site is one of the ten segments to be traveled for this year’s Conejo Open Space Challenge. To help you find your way there, we have a new 2-page PDF document that describes an easy 3-mile route that includes a loop through the middle of Rancho Potrero.
All our new trail guides are collected on this single web page to make it easier to find new trails to explore at whatever level of difficulty you like.