The October 23rd Where in the Conejo Contest photo was of the Los Robles Trail

Published by Steve Clark on

Congratulations to Randy Gould of Thousand Oaks who provided the correct answer and was selected as the winner. Thanks to all who responded!

A number of the photos in this contest have been of the Los Robles Trail, or another trail that connects to it. That is a reflection of the length of this trail – 10.25 miles and the longest single trail in Thousand Oaks.

The steps in the picture are immediately below a switchback and after a short but very steep and rutted section of trail. The climb followed by the steps and switchback make it extremely difficult to complete without stopping, but some very experienced and strong riders are able to do it.

This challenging part of the trail is to be replace with at new trail segment. The trail here crosses private property owned by the Rasnow family. They are donating this land to COSCA, and part of the agreement is to move the trail so it crosses their access road on public property, closer to Ventu Park Road. The rerouted trail is expected to be 1.5 miles long, not quite double the section that will be replaced. Keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities to help build the new trail!

Categories: Where in the Conejo


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