We Have a ‘Where in the Conejo’ Contest Winner: Eric Perl!

The October 1 “Where in the Conejo” contest photo was of a Jerusalem cricket, aka, potato bug, another common name many of you noted when you entered. It’s also known as niño de la tierra, sand cricket, and stone cricket. Of the correct entrants, Eric Perl of Newbury Park was selected at random as the recipient of the $25 gift certificate. Congratulations, Eric, and thanks to all who entered the contest!
As noted in the clue, this native California insect (Ammopelmatus fuscus) is mostly nocturnal and burrows in the earth to feed on decaying roots and tubers (hence, potato bug). They occasionally eat other insects, but are harmless to humans unless you provoke one into biting.
They are related to crickets and grasshoppers, but they can’t “sing” like their relatives, instead relying on drumming the ground with their abdomens to communicate with potential mates.
The one in the photo was spotted on the Lake Eleanor Trail. This 2.6 mile easy-to-intermediate trail is a delight in the spring, as there is an abundance of wildflowers. But you can enjoy the views of the Las Virgenes Reservoir and Lake Eleanor any time! Download our newly revised PDF map and guide to take on a hike with you.