Clearing weeds on the Oakbrook Vista Trail for June’s trail work day

This past Saturday, June 15, about 15 volunteered help cut back the weeds on the side of the trail that were severely narrowing it. Mostly the blame lay with invasive mustard, but there was also star thistle, Italian thistle and an assortment of other invasive or native species to clear. The group made great headway and had cleared the designation section of the trail, about 600′ from the bottom to the bench at the third switchback, in about 1.5 hours, half the expected time. This was fortunate because it was turning out to be a very warm day.
Rangers Nick and Joe had prepared well and had ice-cold drinks ready for us when we were finished.
Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help keep our trails in top conditions! We had a record number log their participation towards getting a COSF TeamConejo Volunteer T-shirt.