Randy Wagner wins 2021 ‘Where in the Conejo’ Contest Grand Prize!

In 2021, we revised the rules of COSF’s popular, long-running “Where in the Conejo” contest to encourage a wider range of entrants by offering more diverse subjects to identify. We also created a Grand Prize, so that even people who had already won would have an incentive to keep playing.
Our very first Grand Prize winner is Randy Wagner, who answered all 17 “Where” questions correctly. Randy comments, “I must share this honor with my wife Cindy as we have trekked many miles together on nearly every trail around Thousand Oaks. Geocaching gives us extra incentive to get out on the trails, in addition to the beautiful scenery provided by nature and made accessible by COSCA.” He donated his $50 winnings back to COSF.
Following on Randy’s victorious 17 correct responses, we had 2 entrants with 12 correct answers each. For the year, 171 people participated, for a total of 500 entries, with an average of 74% being correct. But Randy wasn’t the only one who never made an error; there were 90 other people who got every one they answered right, even if it was only one. And then there was the persistent entrant who set the record for wrong answers, with a total of 7.
The biggest stumper question proved to be the Lindero Creek Trail, which only 15% of entrants identified correctly. The most popular question, in terms of the total number of entries, was the tarantula hawk, which drew 41 total entries.
Congratulations to Randy and thank you to all who participated this year! We hope that if you haven’t yet played, that you’ll join us in 2022. If you want to be added to the mailing list so you’re notified when a new “Where” starts, please sign up!