The 2016 Trails Education Days writing contest winners

The students who participate in Trails Education Days are invited to enter a letter-writing contest to describe some of the things they learned during their Trails Education Days experience. Two winners from each school and five Grand Prize winners district-wide are chosen to receive cash awards as well as recognition by the Thousand Oaks City Council and the CRPD Board of Directors.
Here are the winners of the Writing Contest.
2016 Grand Prize Winners
Winners left to right, with teachers and CRPD Board:
Calvin Kissell, Westlake Elementary & teacher Christie McCarthy (left); CRPD Board Chair Chuck Huffer, Vice Chair George Lange, Directors Susan Hold, Ed Jones & Joe Gibson; Jai Garg Westlake Hills Elementary, Jai’s teacher, Pamela Dumler, was unable to attend; Amelia Furman & Maegan Farrell, Wildwood Elementary & their teacher Tracy Morehead (right); Elias Chin, Acacia Elementary & teacher Joyce Wheatly (far right).